Divorce Findings From the Past Five Years

In 2010, celebrity-centric headlines were filled with news about the divorces of Courteney Cox from David Arquette and the inevitable divorce of Elin Nordegren from Tiger Woods. However, much bigger divorce news has come out in the last five years, including how your yearbook picture can be an indicator of marital status, if you’re more likely to divorce based on the length of your commute and why people stay in unhappy marriages.

The list, initially compiled by Huffington Post, highlights some statistics that aren’t so surprising (such as the more someone uses Facebook, the more likely they are to have problems in their relationship) and shines a light on some lesser-known facts, such as the effects of divorce on health and well-being.

Who Is Less Likely To Get Divorced?

  • Men who are close to their parents have a 20 percent less chance of getting divorced. However, when a wife is close to her husband’s parents, the chance of getting divorced is increased by 20 percent.
  • While a Norwegian study in 2012 found that couples who share housework are 50 percent more likely to get divorced, researchers believe that these couples that divorce have more “modern” views on marriage and would be more likely to leave an unhappy marriage.
  • In unfortunate news for Atlantans, Swedish research published in 2013 revealed people who commute to work 45 minutes or longer are more likely to divorce than those with a shorter commute. The study looked at millions of Swedes over 10 years. Fourteen percent of those couples with long commutes were divorced at the end of 10 years, while only 10 percent of couples with shorter commutes were divorced.
  • In one of the strongest potential predictors of divorce, a book published in 2013 found that those who smiled widely in their yearbook photograph were less likely to get divorced than those who had a meek or a nonexistent smile.

Life After Divorce

  • According to a study by the University of Cincinnati in 2013, men are more likely than women to turn toward drinking after a divorce. Women are more likely to drink heavily in a marriage than their single or widowed friends.
  • A study by the Journal of Men’s Health found that divorced men have higher rates of mortality and are more prone to substance abuse and depression.
  • A psychological study found that individuals who undergo adversity, such as divorce, savor things more in the present than people who haven’t.

Affairs and Facebook

  • “Sudden coital death” happens more frequently when a man is engaging in an extramarital affair than when he’s with his spouse at home. Infidelity is also linked to a higher risk of a major cardiovascular event, according to the University of Chicago.
  • Research in 2013 found that individuals who excessively check Facebook are more likely to experience conflict, which may lead to divorce. According to one of the University of Missouri researchers, Facebook can create jealousy between partners and excessive Facebook users are more likely to connect with previous partners.

I wouldn’t run to look at your spouse’s yearbook photo or consider any of these factors too heavily that may cause you to worry about your chances for divorce.

While these studies can be interesting, the only people who know the real state of your marriage are you and your spouse.
